
Peppered Garlic-Lime Chicken

In all honesty, this dinner is refreshingly tasty and the most satisfying after a long, hungry day's work. The lime juice adds this tropical lightness and who knew it could complement garlic so nicely?

Start with a batch of chicken breasts, packaged. Cut off any visible fat.

When you flip the chicken breast upside down, you'll notice a natural division. Knifing through that part should give you a smaller-sized portion needed for your healthy diet.

Beautiful breasts! (erm) The right two are men's portions; the left two are women's.

Now for the extremely interesting marinate. Freshly-minced garlic may work well, but the end product has that perfect tang that only bottled garlic can offer. Scrounge up a lime, black pepper, and mustard.

Squeeze half of a lime into a small mixing cup and add 1 1/2 teaspoon mustard.

A LOT of pepper was dumped, so it's your preference how peppery you want your chicken. Spoon in two teaspoons of garlic and stir. No salt necessary!

Dabble/rub evenly over the chicken breasts, top and bottom. Then have your oven preheated to 375 degrees and pop them in. Bake for 20 minutes (and prepare for a HEAVENLY aroma).

Meanwhile, we're going to cook up some cauliflower! Rinse well.

Boil water either in a deep pan or pot, and toss them in. Cover and cook for 3-4 minutes -- shorter amount of time means crunchier cauliflower. 

Strain the cauliflower and run the pan/pot under a stream of cold water for just a second. The pour out all water.

Finally, sprinkle with just a touch of salt and generously add a dried herb called Marjoram, which does wonders to this vegetable. 

Your chicken is finally ready. It sure smells so enticing -- it's the garlic and lime juice!

Time to serve! It's a flavor you may have never tried before, but you'll be so glad you did. All finished.


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